Recommended Books and Links


  1. The Period Repair Manual
  2. Chalice foundation
  3. Red Moon (School of Empowerment for Women and Girls)
  4. The Red Web Foundation
  5. Menstrual Hygiene Day
  6. Red School
  7. Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins of Culture
  8. Wild Power
  9. Menstrual Cycle Mandalas

Fertility And Hormone Health

  1. Lara Briden- the Period Revolutionary
  2. Fifth Vital Sign
  3. The Hormone Repair Manual
  4. Hormones Matter
  5. You and Your Hormones
  6. On Fertile Ground- A Natural History of Human Reproduction
  7. Woman Code
  8. Aviva Romm
  9. Red School – Blog

Fertility Awareness

  1. Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th anniv edition, 2015
  2. Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals
  3. The Well (grace of the moon)
  4. Justisse – (Canada)
    The Red Web Foundation – Menstrual health awareness
  5. Taking Charge of your Fertility – Toni Weschler’s website
  6. The Garden Of Fertility – Katie Singer’s website
  7. Woomb – Resource for the Billings Ovulation Method
  8. Beautiful Cervix Project
  9. Fertility Friday podcast

Fertility, The Environment, and Endocrine Disruption

  1. The Endocrine Society (USA)
  2. Environmental Health News
  3. Beyond Pesticides
  4. Collaborative on Health and the Environment
  5. Count Down

Fertility and Nutrition

  1. Fertility and Diet: Is there a connection?
  2. Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition (4th ed)

Birth Control

  1. This is Your Brain on Birth Control
  2. In Our Control: The Complete Guide to Contraceptive Choices


  1. Come As You Are
  2. Sex for One
  3. Bodysex Basics
  4. Slow Sex
  5. Women Who Love Sex, Gina Ogden
  6. The Heart and Soul of Sex, Gina Ogden
  7. The Return of Desire, Gina Ogden

Women’s Health

  1. Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom, 5th edition
  2. Down There
  3. Our Bodies Ourselves Today
  4. Woman- An Intimate Geography

PCOs (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)

  1. National PCOS Association (US)
  2. PCO Awareness Association
  3. Best PCOC Blogs, Websites, Influencers, 2021
  4.  Lara Briden’s Healthy Hormone Blog – PCOS


  1. Best Endometriosis Blogs
  2. Endometriosis ToolKit
  3. Endo and the immune system- Dr. Lara Briden’s website
  4. ENDO GIRL – a short documentary, 2021

Jewish Marriage

  1. Sex Points, Dr. Batsheva Marcus
  2. Jewish Intimacy, Ribner & Rosenfeld
  3. Marriage-Covenant, Rabbi Eyashiv Knohl z”l
  4. Marital Intimacy, A.P. Friedman
  5. Nishmat’s Women’s Health and Halacha (resources)
  6. Gluya Magazine

Reproductive health, sexuality and halacha

  1. Yoatzot Halacha-Nishmat
  2. Keren Gefen (support for fertility-challenged women and couples)
  3. Mercaz Yahel – Center for Jewish Intimacy
  4. Eden Center – Empowering women in the mikveh experience
  5. Tahareinu (Taharat Mishpucha, Fertility and reproductive health)

Fertility and Infertility

  1. Keren Gefen (support for fertility-challenged women and couples)
  2. Machon Puah –Fertility, Medicine and Halacha
  3. A Time (USA)

Sexual Health

Maze Women’s Sexual Health (NYC)


  1. Intimate Judaism: A Jewish Approach to Intimacy, Sexuality, and Relationships  (Talli Rosenbaum and Rabbi Scott Kahn)
  2. JOWMA (Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association) Podcast
  3. Wisdom and Wellness (Eden Center)